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Writer's pictureMarellis Hernandez Santos

5 Tips for Decorating Your Airbnb

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Decorating 101

With the rise of people working from home this past year, we think it's time to open this blog to help homeowners and tenants decorate their living spaces. We could all benefit from having a warm and cozy area in our homes to relax or even create our new future. This first blog post will be directed towards short-term rentals but can be useful for every homeowner or long-term tenant that wants to renovate their space into one best fitted for their well-being.

Whether you rent a vacation house or an office apartment, you want your guest to feel happy, well cared for and leave thinking they had the best experience possible. So, what are the first steps into decorating a rental space or any space? First, you have to identify your audience. This step is probably one of the most important. Like any business, you must identify your target audience, their needs, and wants, even if it's yourself. Think of the area your property is located, what's in the vicinity and what unique experience you can create that will call your guest to choose your listing. Secondly, select a theme. Utilizing what you learned about your audience and the area you are in, select a theme that will speak to many guests but is particular to your style. If your property is near a beach, choose a coastal theme and have bright colors, but try to distance yourself from tacky decorations. If the property is in the city, consider giving it an industrial look or even boho if you want to detach your guests from the hectic city lifestyle. Finally, find your inspiration. We know you spend hours going through Pinterest, looking for new ideas. Now create a folder with images that speak to who you are and how you feel your property could look like.

Now that you've done your research you are ready to start thinking about the elements that make up a successful interior home design and décor. The following are just 5 simple things you should take into consideration when decorating your property. We've summarized each topic to guide you through the designing process, which we'll go into more detail in the next blog posts. We chose tips that won't hurt your pocket and can make the world of a difference.


We are starting off with lighting. One of the most underrated elements when renovating or decorating a home can make or break the appearance of your Airbnb. Choosing the right light fixture and light intensity can earn you points by showing off your interest in your guest's well-being. Bad lighting can transform a beautiful space into a gloomy and dreadful space and will affect your guests' experience during their stay.

Natural lighting is key to our physical and psychological well-being. We suggest maximizing the use of your windows. Consider buying different curtains or shades depending on the location and use of each room. If the living room or kitchen receives vast sunlight throughout the day an option would be to acquire curtains that dim but do not cover the sunlight. The lesson is different when it comes to bedrooms since in this case you are going to be looking to create a space that welcomes your guests and helps them rest after their travels. Consider having softer light fixtures, lamps, and candles to create a comfortable and relaxing environment in bedrooms and even bathrooms.

Illuminating dark corners, emphasizing statement home décor pieces, and even combining hanging fixtures with wall fixtures can be useful if you have an open floor plan. For some people, an open floor plan can be hard to decorate, but layering light, colors, and décor accents are ways to fill those empty spaces you may find. Also, don't be afraid of those empty spaces, the whole house or apartment doesn't have to be decorated or well thought out, but it should reflect the style and vibe by communicating with other spaces in the property.

Always have in mind the most common uses of each room when buying light fixtures and bulbs. Not all rooms should have the same artificial lighting, intensity, or placement. Choose between ambient lighting, task lighting, or accent lighting to create unique spaces that connect directly to the function of each room.

Paint Colors

Same as with the lighting, your wall or ceiling paint can affect the rentability of your space. To appeal to the greatest number of people you can select neutral colors for walls and natural woods for furnishings. This combination creates a clean and sleek appeal on your property and is the easiest to find in stores.

Find inspiration and choose a color scheme that speaks to the style of the property. If you are renovating a space and not starting from scratch, choose paint colors that compliment your existing furniture instead of the other way around. Painting can be easily changed compared to the stress of having to return furniture that doesn't match well with your chosen color.

If you want to own a place that screams fun and creativity, choose colors that pop and create a flow throughout the different rooms. This can be done by choosing different hues and tones of the same color or selecting colors that contrast with one another. Use color to emphasize areas, furnishing, or décor instead of painting the whole walls, this will help you to not overwhelm the space. Don't use the same color in every room unless you are thinking of having an accent wall that will break down the spaces and stand out amongst the rest of the walls.

If you can't seem to decide which color scheme best suits your home, go to your closest hardware or home improvement store and get yourself a color wheel or chart. Some hardware stores even offer sample colors for less than $5, use that to cover a portion of your wall and see what the color will look like at different times of the day and in different lighting. This will help you experience the color and decide at your own pace if you love it or hate it before spending all your money on various paint cans.

Greenery and Flowers

Adding a touch of greenery or flowers to any indoor space has been proven to help lift people's spirits. The natural colors of either decorative indoor plants or a fresh bouquet of flowers can bring many benefits to your guests.

Indoor plants can help as a visual aid to soothe anxiety and reduce stress, as well as boost your mood, productivity, concentration, and creativity. Plants help clean indoor air by absorbing toxins, increasing humidity & producing oxygen. They also add life to a sterile space, give privacy and reduce noise levels. Many plants don't need much attention to survive and even thrive indoors, choose one that goes well with your space and schedule.

Flowers, on the other hand, help create environments that are full of color and fresh scents. Choose either a potted flower or a fresh bouquet of flowers to bring life to your property's living room or kitchen. It's been said that having flowers can help you focus and motivate you. If you are worried that your flowers might die quickly, well don't. A bouquet or flower arrangement can last around a week (sometimes more) with proper care and humidity. Do have in mind that some flowers can generate asthma symptoms for some of your guests.

Whether you choose indoor plants or a bouquet of flowers, their presence in your property can create a more natural space. If you feel you don't have the time to take care of your plants, many stores offer artificial arrangements that look just like the real thing. Check them out to make your space feel more natural and give a special touch to your property.


Mirrors make great focal points. Not only do they help you make a room brighter and seem bigger, but they also balance and accentuate the purpose of the room. Use a mirror to reflect light from natural sources (sunlight) and artificial ones (lamps, chandeliers, candles, etc.). Every space looks best with more natural light, it makes the space airy, and the more visible a room, the more spacious it looks.

Look for pieces that match with your existing furniture and décor for a sleeker look, or ones that contrast for a more edgy look. Consider placing different mirrors throughout the property to give your guests a place to check their appearance before they go out the door and to transform dull corners and plain areas in the home.


Decorations can affect everything from our self-perception to our confidence and productivity. A well-decorated space can bring peace and tranquility to your guests. Making your property seem stylish and homey can help your guests understand that you value their stay by providing a place that not only looks good but is clean and comfortable.

Decorative pieces such as artwork, cushions, rugs, vases, trays, coasters, etc. are accessories that are easy to acquire and will enhance the appearance of every room. When searching for decorations consider the proportions, colors, materials, and textures of your existing furniture. Accessories can and should be used to add visual interest and contrast in a space and can easily and inexpensively be altered or exchanged to fit changing moods, styles, or seasons.

Remember to use your research about the target audience, style, and inspiration to guide your purchases and décor selection. Use your theme and color scheme to select pieces that go along with your existing furniture and style. Having this in mind will help you ease into decorating your property and make for a cohesive look that not only you, but your guest will enjoy.

You can learn more about these tips in our future blog posts.

Stuck with ideas? Line.Studio can help you design and decorate your residential or commercial property. Just leave us a message or call us and we'll be happy to help.

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