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Writer's pictureMarellis Hernandez Santos

Best Indoor Plants

I think most of us developed a love for plants during the pandemic. Personally, I love seeing the different shades of green around the house, but taking care of them can sometimes become a hassle. My partner is the one with the 'green fingers' as some may say. I couldn't even keep an aloe vera plant alive two years ago, but today our whole terrace is covered with ornamental and vegetable plants. We are still a little iffy about flowers, but soon enough we'll find out how to maintain them alive for longer.

We've compiled a list of what we consider to be the best indoor plants. Most of them are easy to care for and have unique traits that will make them stand out on any space of your house you place them in.

Here are the best indoor plants that you can add to your home or office to create a sense of peace in your environment.

Top 10 Indoor Plants

1. Snake Plant (Mother in Law's Tongue)

The Snake Plant, also known as Mother in Law's Tongue or 'Sansevieria Trifasciata', is native to West Africa. This popular, easy-to-care houseplant will form dense strands of vertical leaves, arranged in a rosette. It grows at a slow rate and performs well in both bright or indirect sunlight and strong artificial light. It is very adaptable to both dry and moist environments and should do just fine under average home conditions. This species is one of the easiest to care for and adapts rather quickly to new environments.

Care: This plant doesn't require extensive care and is fairly resistant to insects and plagues. Only water once or twice a week when soil is completely dry. This plant doesn't do well in the low winter temperatures.

You can buy this plant on our home decor online store HERE

We recommend the use of Succulent & Cactus Food Plant, just like this one:

2. Spathiphyllum Sensation

The Spathiphyllum Sensation or Peace Lily Sensation is originally from Asia. Like its common name suggests this plant is one of the many variations in the Peace Lily family, being the one with the largest growing leaves. It can grow up to 4-6 feet tall.

Care: Peace Lily Sensations can tolerate a low light environment but prefers moderate to bright indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight will burn the beautiful leaves if exposed for too long. This plant requires lots of water. You'll know when to water it because its leaves will start to fall a little. It will quickly come back to life soon after watering.

*Peace Lilies are toxic to cats and dogs.

We recommend the use of the following products to care for this plant:

Indoor Plant Food & Slow Release Fertilizer:

3. All Peace Lilies

The Peace Lily or Spathiphyllum is best known for being an easy-to-care-for flower plant that will grow indoors without much hassle. No matter which Peace Lily you choose from you'll be satisfied with your selection. This plant is among the best indoor plants to help improve indoor air quality, making it perfect for bedrooms, living rooms, and offices.

Care: This plant can tolerate a low light environment but prefers moderate to bright indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight will burn the beautiful leaves if exposed for too long. This plant requires lots of water. You'll know when to water it because its leaves will start to fall a little.

*Peace Lilies are toxic to cats and dogs.

4. Cupid Peperomia

Cupid Peperomia, "Peperomia Scandens", is native to the tropics of Mexico, the Caribbean, and other parts of Central America. The heart-shaped leaves of this plant make it a fan favorite. It can be found in full bright green color or a variegated version that has white lines along the edges. The beginning of the stem has a light pink color that makes this plant look very delicate.

Care: This plant is an excellent lower light houseplant. It will cascade down with age and look fantastic hanging or on a shelf! This plant needs very little water to survive, so be careful not to overwater. You can use a liquid fertilizer once a month to help it grow.

You can buy this plant HERE

We recommend using a liquid fertilizer once a month just like this one.

Liquid Plant Food:

5. Calathea

The leaves of the Calathea, with their intricate and bold patterns, are some of the most striking and beautiful in nature. They are more than just a pretty face; Calatheas are absolutely wonderful houseplants with their compact size but they can be a bit difficult to care for.

Care: The Calathea loves warm, humid spaces that have bright indirect light and not too much water. If your plant is exposed to direct light, its leaves will burn and lose their color. If it receives too much water the roots can start to rot. It needs just the perfect balance to survive and thrive.

6. Aloe Vera

The Aloe Vera is the world's most used plant for medicinal purposes. Because they store water in their plump leaves and thick, fibrous roots, this succulent can be used to treat burns and scrapes when applied topically. Like cacti, they do best in dry conditions.

Care: Keep this plant in bright light and with low water. Too much direct sunlight or water can damage your beautiful succulent plant. Only water your Aloe Vera when the soil is completely dry.

7. Spider Plant

The Spider Plant has beautiful long and narrow leaves that grow in rosettes. When properly cared for they will elegantly cascade to the edges of the planter, debuting their beautiful colors throughout your living space.

Care: The Spider Plant is very adaptable and tough. Provide this plant with well-drained soil and bright indirect light and it should do just fine. Be careful not to overwater so they don't develop root rot.

8. Monstera Deliciosa

Monstera Deliciosa is native to Mexico and Central America. They are famous for their natural leaf-holes that eventually grow towards the edge and open up as they mature. This species has been one of the most-searched-for plants of the past year.

Care: This plant thrives in bright to medium indirect light with a good amount of water and will start to look burnt if exposed to direct sunlight.

*Monsteras are toxic to cats and dogs.

Buy this plant HERE or HERE

9. Dragon Tree

The 'Dracaena Marginata', most commonly known as Dragon Tree, is native to Madagascar. This plant is easy to maintain and has beautiful long strands of leaves sprouting from a strong trunk. The Dragon Tree can make a bold statement in your entryway or living room because of how slow but beautiful they grow.

Care: Dragon Trees prefer indirect bright light but can adjust to low light. Don't place under direct sunlight because it can scorch the leaves and cause them to fall. Let your plant dry out before watering.

*Dragon Trees are toxic to cats and dogs.

10. Pilea Peperomioides

The Chinese Money Plant or 'Pilea Peperomioides' is native to China. The lovely circular leaves make this plant a favorite amongst plant lovers.

Care: This plant thrives in bright to medium indirect light with a fair amount of water. If exposed to direct sunlight the leaves can become scorched. Make sure to water only when the soil is dry to prevent root rot.

If you are looking for some planters to complement your interior design and achieve a space that's elegant and functional, here are a few of our designs available on our home decor online store

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Some of the products recommended are sold on our home decor page

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